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Friday, April 27, 2007

The Reluctant Fundamentalist, Indian edition

Designed by Bena Sareen

Another cover for The Reluctant Fundamentalist, this time from Penguin India. (I've previously posted the US, UK and Norwegian covers.) The designer sent this in, and it's a wonderful reminder to me to start looking beyond North America and Western Europe for book covers and jackets to discuss. Also pretty cool to tell you that according to Google Analytics, this blog has been accessed by readers in 127 countries in 2007. Cool, no? But more importantly, thank you.

Incidentally, I started reading this yesterday and it seems as fantastic as most reviews claim it to be. Pick it up here if you're looking for a good read. And philosophy geeks watch out: early on "we headed off with the group to the port city of Piraeus."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is solid. The use of eyes on covers always works. The split of crops is interesting and plays well with the type treatment. The little corners (black rectangles) on the images are a nice touch.

The fact that the face is not shaven and the brows are so bold also defines the race without being blunt and overtly literal.

There is something cliché about this cover though. Not in a bad way. Just seems like I've seen it before. It works on a very familiar level like that. for me...

Is there as way I can see the cover while I make these posts? It would be nice to just keep the comments relevant and fresh as I'm looking at the cover? You know, without getting fancy... Not a big deal.