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Tuesday, April 01, 2008

The Bin Ladens, US and UK

US version by Darren Haggar

I love the restraint of the US cover (top), which emphasizes that this is a book about the entire bin Laden family and not just its most infamous member. And the plane is a clear reference to one of the stranger occurrences of the first few days after 9/11, when over a dozen members of the family were flown out of the US back to Saudi Arabia. Buy this book from

The UK cover is tacky by comparison, and someone who knows more about these kinds of things will have to tell us if that shape is more suggestive of a Sikh's ceremonial dagger than anything having to do with Islamic terrorism.


Neil MacLean said...

what's with this trend of the UK covers being more poorly designed than the US! I always found it to be the opposite until lately (and mostly from covers I've seen on your blog).

Andrew Wheeler said...

The US version has a better subtitle as well, subtle and thought-provoking rather than the UK's tabloid bleat.

Anonymous said...

The US version was done by Darren Haggar (who's actually from the UK). Maybe the US is stealing all the UK's designers? :)

Anonymous said...

the UK one looks like a piss take... a spoof B-movie poster perhaps.

mike said...

Re: the subtitles - to be fair, anything that made use of "the American century" probably wouldn't be too well received in the UK, would it?

Anonymous said...

can't wait to see the movie... starring...

Grant said...

I have to be honest: I see the name Bin Laden and a photograph of a flying 747 in the distance - my first thought is of 9/11, not of the Bin Laden family leaving America.

It's a much more subtle and vastly superior cover to the UK edition, but it's still very much a 9/11 cover.

Anonymous said...

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