Shep's genius notwithstanding, the stenciled type and looming eye of 1984 seems a bit cliché... Animal farm is pretty hot though.
But the absolute best thing about these.... is that Shep managed to put his OWN logo on the cover of a Penguin book! TWO books! That's F***ing balls!!! I love it....
Shep's genius notwithstanding, the stenciled type and looming eye of 1984 seems a bit cliché... Animal farm is pretty hot though.
But the absolute best thing about these.... is that Shep managed to put his OWN logo on the cover of a Penguin book! TWO books! That's F***ing balls!!! I love it....
I can think in a more apropieted designer for Orwell´s books than Shepard Fairey. Love this ones!
WOW! Those are absolutely incredible!
I almost missed his logo on the bottom. Thanks for pointing that out. That DOES TAKE balls!
Anyone know what's the typeface for the version with the eye?
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