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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Time to Update Your Links

The syntax of links on this blog will change on Wednesday, July 25.

If you link to or bookmark, you don't have to do anything.

If you have linked to in your blogroll or have that URL bookmarked, please update your link to

If you've bookmarked, linked to or shared a link that contains "" in the URL, that link will be broken.

RSS should be unaffected if you subscribe using the Feedburner links in the "About the BDR" links to the right. I'll provide up-to-date RSS links when the time comes.

Stay tuned, as I will post new links to the most popular posts, such as Best of 2006, favorites of 2007, and a few more.

1 comment: said...

"MY HUSBAND RAN OFF WITH THE NANNY AND GOD DO I MISS HER" by Tracy Davis -- how women really feel