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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

AK 47: The Story of the People's Gun

Help me out with this one: I really want to like this, but something's just not right: I think it's because the subtitle and author name are fighting with the title for my attention. Reduce those two elements (subtitle and author name), tuck them under the "47" and to the right of the stock of the gun, and I think we might have something a little stronger. Reserving the military stenciling for the title might help a bit too.

(This is a UK title, so I don't know who designed it. Anyone know?)


Anonymous said...

Very very appropriate solution. Good find.

Kerryn Angell said...

You're right. It's the proportion of the weapon with the sub-title and author text that makes it look wrong.

Anonymous said...

I think it works and is representative of how text is slapped on to ammunition boxes for export.

I think that if this does not sink in at first glance you're not the target audience. This is a nice, strong solution. I know that things like this have been done (Sopronos logotype), but it is really amazing to see forms functioning as letters. And even more amazing that it was seen by the designer and that the designer made it work.

Rachel Aaron said...

I don't care much for it, it looks too much like a science fair board to me.

Anonymous said...

a what??

Anonymous said...

This seems very weak to me. If you are selling a book about a gun i it needs to be "techie and designee" to catch my interest.

If this book focusses on the "people" using this gun then another more journalistic approach would be better

Anonymous said...

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