Being There, Brazilian edition
Design by Estúdio Insólito
Lauro Machado of Estúdio Insólito sent this in from Brazil, and of course I had to ask him how difficult it was to get something published that didn't have the title on the front cover:
"This cover for Jerzy Kosinski's novel was the last of many options (about ten) that we developed for this book. When Jamil (my associate) sent this one the publishers laughed in our face, but later they changed these minds (I don't know why). Like in the U.S., here it's very rare to see a cover with no title on the front. I can't remember any other example in the Brazilian market."
I don't really speak Portuguese, just Spanish, but it seems as if the title translates to "The Vidiot." Nice.
Brazilian reader here (nice blog, by the way). :)
The title translate to "The Vidiot", indeed.
I'm not exactly sure why, but I really like the treatment of the back...more than the front, even...
Nice to see a cover from here:)
Actually there are other examples in the Brazilian market - I can remember Greta Garbo´s bigraphy, designed by Victor Burton, which only had a famous picture of her on the cover, and another I can´t remember the name right now...
What I find interesting about this is that it could also be a book cover from Europe or french Quebec for that matter. It is definitely operating in a tradition that sets it apart from North America (excluding french Quebec) and England. I have never been able to break into the french publishing market in Quebec and am not sure my designs would meet with much success even if I did.
The only untitled covers I can think of are celebrity biographies like the above mentioned Garbo book and one I saw on Groucho Marx... people whose faces are so distinctive that their names would be redundant.
Conversely, there aren't many covers with just text and no pictures, either.
Hey Joe, here's an example of a beautifully designed cover with no title which you may enjoy:
Here's the Portuguese cover:
I love it! A bold statement that would definitely grab attention in a book store!
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