So Damn Much Money
Design by Eric Baker Design
So when I first saw this -- which documents, among other things, the almost $8M it takes to win an average Senate campaign -- I thought "well, that doesn't look like so damn much money at all; that's a couple of thousand of dollars at best." But that's what makes this work: it's the couple of thousand bucks that anybody who wants to play has to throw into the bribery pool campaign contributions that makes the system particularly and almost universally dirty.
I couldn't agree with you more. I think the concept and the execution of the cover is excellent. It wouldn't have been as effective if they designed on colored background, or didn't modify the shadow of the money.
Okay, so who's the designer?
Also very deftly done - the rubber bands are censoring ol' Ben, who in this case stands for the good intentions of the founding fathers...
the type could have been massaged a bit more. Otherwise a nice, simple idea with just enough wit to see it through.
Absolutely terrific image (I love the 'whirlpool' effect at the top of the money roll, very apt), though the type is what keeps it from becoming terrific overall. Now, that could very well be the product of the publisher saying "No, make it simpler", but a typeface with even just a little bit of character would have gone a l-o-n-g way.
Jacket by Eric Baker Design
Am I the only one that thinks "So Much Damn Money" works better?
I don't know; the font for me matches the unembellished tone of the title. Anything other font would be dressing it up too much.
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